After two long days on the bus we were happy to get to Reading. We had a rough ride from Michigan to Ohio on Wednesday. The weather wasn't cooperating at all, it was snowing pretty hard. Clare decided it would be best if we just grabbed our lunch to go instead of taking a full hour lunch. This proved to be a good decision because as it was we got in around 8:30pm. We stayed at the Holiday Inn and Sue was lucky enough to get the woman from the hotel to drive us to Applebees. John and Quentin decided to stay back at the hotel, but Chaz joined us for a late dinner. We're really going to miss Chaz! He's such a great guy and we all really enjoy his company.
This morning we got back on the bus to find Spencer in the driver's seat steering the steering wheel, lol! Clare joked that he was our 7th bus driver. For some reason we seemed to go through a lot of busdrivers in such a short time! We had a very bumpy ride to Reading. The bus was all over the place. (No Spencer didn't really drive). I don't know how the boys managed to do schoolwork!
When we pulled into the hotel, Mike and Maria were waiting anxiously for Sue and Mikey to get off the bus. Maria was so sick during their last visit in Jacksonville, so it was great to see her healthy and full of energy! It's so cute, she has a little crush on Colin. She calls him her "teddy bear"! She came to the show all dressed up in a beautiful red dress. She was giving Nancy a run for her money lol! Actually she loves the song "As long as he Needs Me" so Sue made sure she got a picture of Maria in her red dress with Rhiannon in her red dress :)
I met up with Mark&Lisa, Steve&Mary Kyryk, and Fran Sullivan at the theatre. Colin was so happy to know that there were friends and family in the audience watching him. Uncle Mark won the award for the most shows seen by a relative (Other than Steve&the girls). This was his 3rd time seeing the show and Lisa's 2nd.
After the show we all heading out for a drink (Colin got a shirley temple, lol) While at the restaurant, Kevin (the musical director) and Jeff (drummer) came in. There were people doing karaoke and Kevin came over to show Colin that the book of karoake songs had Oliver songs in it. We tried to get Colin go up and sing Consider Yourself, but no go. Instead we had to listen to this guy who was tone deaf sing song after song! We said our goodbyes and heading back in to the hotel. It's so hard to believe that we are going to our last stop on tour tomorrow! Steve, Brittany, and Morgan will be meeting us in Akron. Tomorrow night after the show will be the cast party. We can't believe the end is here!.