Hi All!!!
Colin had a performance in Bakersfield CA yesterday and we arrived to Colorado Springs today. The 3 kids and parents were fortunate enough to fly in to Colorado today, while the rest of the cast rode 14 hours on the tour bus :( The boys had to arrive early and get their school time in with their original tutor from NYC. Last night we stayed in a beautiful Sheraton in Bakersfield. The grounds were absolutely incredible(check out the pics!). We wanted to stay a few more nights there, but unfortunately, the show must go on!
After the show last night, colin, Rhiannon(Nancy)and Chris(Bill Sykes) were invited to do a Question and Answer session with some audience members. It was fun watching Colin answering some of their questions and especially loved when he thanked his vocal coach, Cara, for preparing him for this. He said he wouldn't be here without her :) Then they asked if any family members were traveling with him and he said yes my mom and she's sitting right there! Everyone turned around and gave me a round of applause, lol! Gotta love that boy!!! Rhiannon and Chris told the group how impressed they are with all three of the boys professionalism. It was a wonderful compliment, especially coming from the two of them. Rhiannon continued to say how wonderful us parents are. I always loved that girl, lol!!
We had to get up at 4:15 to catch a cab to the airport and then with one layover in Phoenix, made it to Colorado. We had just enough time to get some lunch and then the boys went to school. The parents on the other hand took naps! LOL!
The rest of the cast should be arriving by midnight, and there are shows both tomorrow and Wednesday evenings. Colin and Rhiannon will be doing a television interview for a Colorado Springs Fox news station first thing Wednesday morning. He's pretty excited about that! He's done a few phone interviews, but not a tv interview yet. We're hoping to go see some sights here in colorado springs Wednesday between the interview and the performance.
We miss everyone back home and really appreciate all of your support!!!