Hi everyone! Steve and Morgan got in around 11:30 last night, so obviously after unloading the car we all decided to just head to bed! We had a really nice day today. Steve brought Colin to rehearsal and Morgan and I slept in(perfect way to start the day!) John Barthelmes and Kaitlyn Zorn flew down this morning and Morgan and I met them in Times Square. We decided to head to Colin's rehearsal and go to lunch with Colin and Steve. It was pretty funny because we waited out in the hallway of the studio til Colin came out of rehearsal and the look on his face when he saw John and Kaitlyn was priceless! He had no idea they were down. We headed to the Tick Tock Diner on 34th and 8th and enjoyed a very filling lunch. The monte cristo sandwiches were yummy and after Kaitlyn ordered the pizza fries, we decided to follow suit(they were steak fries topped with sauce and mozzerella-yummy!) Colin returned to rehearsal after lunch, John and Kaitlyn checked into their hotel, Steve went back to the apt for a nap and Morgan and I hailed a cab and went shopping!!!! We had a good time looking at all of the bags people were selling on the street. After trying to talk many of them down, we finally got the bags we wanted for the right price : ) Colin actually paid for Morgan's bag because he wanted to buy her something nice since he wasn't going to see her for 6 months. Sorry Britt, he didn't offer to buy you anything lol! We also went into the biggest Abercrombie we've ever seen. There was a line to get in, but somehow Morgan and I got to bypass the line. The salesclerk asked Morgan if she wanted her picture taken with an abercrombie model, so I talked her into it. She has been staring at the picture ever since. I think she's even going to sleep with it, lol! After deciding not to pay $45 for a tshirt, we moved on. We stopped by St Patrick's Cathedral and saw a wedding going on. What a gorgeous place to get married in! After going to Rockefeller center and doing a little more shopping, we met up with John and Kaitlyn at the Stardust Diner. Steve and Colin met us there after rehearsal. It was such a neat place. The waiters and waitresses are aspiring actors/singers. Between taking orders they all take turns singing all sorts of songs. they all sounded so good! They said that in just about every show in NY there is a former Stardust waiter. Zac who plays Fagin in Oliver used to work there! It looks like such a fun job! After dinner, Kaitlyn and John left to go see Mary Poppins and Steve's friend from the Naval Academy, Dan Ballister, came and met us for a few drinks. Dan was one of the sword bearers in our wedding : ) Dan lives a few blocks from the apt we're staying in. It was so great to spend time with him, we really enjoyed it. After Stardust Dan took us for a walk through Time Square pointing out the sights and making sure we got our picture taken right in the very center of Times Square. From there we headed to Connelly's Pub for a few more drinks. The kids really enjoyed chatting with Dan. I think he even talked Morgan into writing a blog of her own! From there we headed home, and cut through Grand Central Station on the way. What a gorgeous place. The architecture is just incredible. We were in there at 10pm, and there weren't a lot of people there. Dan told us at 7:45am the place is absolutely packed. I'm glad we saw it at night, lol! Now we're back at the apt and Steve and the kids are playing cards (now there's a shocker huh?!) We're hoping to head to the beach tomorrow. We all want to go to a different one, so stay tuned to see who wins!! Missy
wow, it sounds like you guys are having such a great time!! i like the pic with morgan and the model!! haha thats awesome john and kaitlyn came to see you guys. well i'm all moved in and doing really well. there's a girl on my floor that could be brittany's twin no joke! i had to do a double take lol anyway can't wait to see you guys in feb and keep having fun =)
I luv the stardust diner i went there two times wenn i was in nyc!
Our waitress told us that she just got cast as the part of one of the stepsisters in the asian tour of cinderella with lea solonga! It was really cool. I just got back from the outer banks. 12 hours straight in a car is not fun =[ Lol glad to hear your having fun!
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