We're back on tour and after spending a couple of beautiful days in Sarasota FL we just celebrated the New Year in chilly Milwaukee Wisconsin.
We stayed at the Sarasota Hotel and Marina in Florida and enjoyed sunny skies with temperatures in the mid to high 70's. We spent a little time at the pool Monday before the show. They had a nice little tikki bar and Sue bought Pina Coladas for us to celebrate my birthday. The weather was so gorgeous on Tuesday that I decided to stay back from the matinee show and sit out by the pool. Boy how I wish I could go back!!!
We flew into Milwaukee yesterday afternoon and arrived to 11 degree temperature! Quite a shock to the system!! Last night Colin and I enjoyed a New Year's Eve dinner with Sue, Mikey, John, and Quentin at a yummy Italian restaurant. The best part was that it was right across the street from the hotel so we didn't have to walk far in the cold. After dinner I talked John and Sue into walking to the park where they had all sorts of Christmas lights up. The boys and I enjoyed it, but John and Sue were more than ready to get back to the warmth of the hotel! We all celebrated the New Year in our room. When we first got to the hotel I got a delivery from my wonderful husband-a bottle of champagne for my birthday :) We decided that we would pop the cork and celebrate New Year's on New York time. We were all exhausted and didn't want to wait for Central time! The boys had a good time playing on their DS's and Colin's Ipod Touch, but once we said enough with the electronic devices they decided to have a pillow fight! It was really quite humorous watching them go after each other! We ended up staying up til midnight our time thinking that a lot of people would be out and about the hotel celebrating, but when we went out in the hall there was no one to be found :( Ok, so we felt like quite the losers lol!
Today we enjoyed a day in our nice hotel room at the Hyatt Regency. Big comfy beds and brand new renovations to our room. It was just what we needed after a crazy week of traveling! We were happy to get a visit from Elizabeth(one of the musicians who left the tour) this afternoon who came by with Efrat and Chaz. After visiting for a while we headed to an Irish Pub down a few blocks with the parents, boys, and Chaz. Now we're back in our beds at 8pm relaxing again! Life is good!
Happy New Year to all!!!
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